

Fall Fun

North Carolina is beautiful, especially in the fall. I am always looking for ways to share the beauty of fall in the South with my family. A great way to spend an afternoon with your kids is to head over to Midland NC to Riverbend Farms. They have it all here at this farm....pumpkins, animals, hayride, playgrounds etc.. My favorite part is riding out on the hayride to pick your own pumpkins off the vine.   Another great thing about North Carolina is the Great Smokey Mountains. We like to make a day trip to Tweetsie Railroad for some more fall fun. While on these trips, I use the time to reflect on the colors of fall and how I can use the foliage and colors to come up with some great Interior Design ideas for my clients. I will be making future posts on ways I used these inspirations  to make some great designs that  you can use in your own home for the season. Hope you are having a great Fall!    

Ask Amy: Before & After Bathroom

This past summer, I was contacted to do a bathroom makeover for a home that was stuck in the 1990's. My client really wanted an updated look to her bath using some of the newer products available since her house was built. BEFORE BEFORE AFTER She had replaced the floor tile in her bath less than a year ago so she wanted to work with it to create a color scheme. Her favorite color is purple so I decided to pull the gray out of the floor tile and do accents in purple and expresso. BEFORE AFTER We decided to go with a purple faux- painted treatment on the walls that really complimented the smokey tile color of the shower. The purple glass accent tile strip on the tub and shower completes the look and gives an updated feel to the room that our client was desiring. BEFORE AFTER

Create dynamic looks with accessories

Ask Amy Interior Design is a design firm based in Charlotte North Carolina.  As an interior designer I am always discovering creative ways to accessorize spaces.  Accessories can provide dramatic views for a space and help complete the whole scheme for a well designed room.  Spaces should reflect the personal tastes of our clients and accessories can speak volumes.  When I design a space for a client I will some times begin with a creative inspiration from a particular accessory and develop the design for the interior space around it.  Here are some creative uses of accessories that provide a sense of drama through the use of scale and size.